Hello Parents and Athletes,
Back in November, Dr. Baker and Coach Faris met with me to talk about track. They first asked why I stepped down as the head coach in 2016, and I let them know that it was to spend more time with my family. By just coaching boys distance, that would free up time so I could go to my own kids’ events. They then asked if I had considered taking over as the head Track coach again this season, and I told them absolutely not. I told them that I was in a great spot with my own life and that I was enjoying everything I already had on my plate.
As the conversation went on, I stopped them and said to them, “If you are asking me to take the job, then I will. I love Dana Hills, I love the kids, and I will do whatever is best for this track team.” As soon as I left the meeting, I called my wife to let her know the news. She told me that she loves me and couldn’t be more proud of me. I then called Coach Crane to congratulate him on becoming the Girls’ Head Coach again. Within the next 10 minutes, I called, texted, and emailed 15-20 people who I knew could help in this next adventure. I need to give a BIG shout out to the coaching staff for helping create the positive and hardworking culture that is known as Dana Hills Track and Field.
Coach Crane and I met and talked for hours on what we wanted to do and in which direction we wanted the program headed. We met with those who we considered to be strong leaders to discuss the upcoming season and what was envisioned. Thank you to those leaders – as, this team would not be where it is without your leadership. Your faith in us, as coaches, and your drive to be the best as a team is unparalleled.
We started off the season with a new look, a new attitude, and bigger vision. Our mantra this season was TEAM = FAMILY, and I believe that each and every one of us felt that. It absolutely breaks my heart that we will not get to show off the hard work that you have all put in. To the first time freshman, to the outgoing senior, I am so proud of all that you have done. The hours on the track, on the run way, in the ring, and in the weight room did not go unnoticed by your coaches. Although you may not have gotten the opportunity to compete and show off your best; I hope that you can still be proud and encouraged knowing the work you put in and the attitude you carried.
Coach Crane and I hope that we will eventually be able to get together at least one last time to say our goodbyes in person. I am one that always hopes for the best, but prepares for the worst. I have been in recent talks with people in the hopes that when things go back to normal, we will be able to possibly have a meet or two. I encourage you to continue to train on your own, if nothing more, you’ll have that beach body for the summer.
Your season may be lost, but your strength to persevere is not. Please know that my most proud moments as a coach are not the wins or records; it’s watching you boys and girls become great young men and women. It’s knowing the positive influence that this program has had on you: learning that hard work pays off, how to lift someone up rather then put them down, and that a positive attitude goes a long way. To those returning next year, 2021 will be the year of redemption. To my seniors, know that the track gates will always be open, my thoughts and prayers will always be with you, and that I am here if you ever need anything.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be your coach J
Coach Dunn